3. Projekttalálkozó, Vratsa, Bulgária
The 3rd transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ project ‘CirculaR Economy strategy FRAMEwork for sustainable SMEs– REFRAME’ (Project no. 2020-1-EL01-KA202-078870) took place in 7-8 April 2022 in Vratsa, Bulgaria.
11 participants attended the meeting from 6 partner organisations and 5 European countries.
CCI Vratsa opened the meeting and welcomed the participants. After the opening of the meeting, NTUA, the project coordinator, presented the main issues to be discussed during the two-days meeting according to the meeting agenda.
During the meeting:
- PCX presented the digital version of the Self-Rate tool.
- PCX presented the finalised digital form of the CE Course in English.
- The partners discussed about the external tests of the REFRAME results.
- SIGMA presented the progress achieved so far with the CE Strategy Document.
- PCX presented the digital version of the iLearn Tool. The functionality of the iLearn Tool will be externally tested simultaneously with the tests of the CE S-R/S-A Tools and the CE Course by the same participants, using the external evaluation questionnaire.
- CSMKIK gave a detailed presentation regarding the dissemination activities of the project and the results achieved so far, as well as the outstanding issues until the end of the project.
- CCI Vratsa presented the contents of the final Sustainability Report, which were approved by the partners after minor modifications.
- NTUA presented the financial progress of the project after the interim report.
The the last Transnational Meeting, hosted by NTUA, will take place in Athens on September 26 and 27, 2022.
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