1st Project Meeting
The 1st meeting of the Erasmus+ project ‘CirculaR Economy strategy FRAMEwork for sustainable SMEs– REFRAME’ (Project no. 2020-1-EL01-KA202-078870) took place in 16 October 2020. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the 1st meeting was conducted online.
16 participants attended the meeting from 6 partner organisations and 5 European countries.
NTUA, project coordinator, gave an overview of the REFRAME project presenting the consortium, the objectives, the expected outcomes and the Activities and Intellectual Outputs (IO) of the project. Furthermore, the timeline of the project’s deliverables, transnational meetings and multiplier events was discussed.
The Project Management and Implementation, the Financial Management, The Quality Management and the Sustainability Plan were also reviewed, providing information on the project coordination by the NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS – NTUA and the way the consortium will work in order to achieve the project’s objectives.